How Kidney Disease Affects Your Health – From Itchy Skin to Heart Disease

Estimated read time 2 min read

How kidney disease affects your health? Kidneys are small, bean-shaped organs about 5 inches long, but don’t let their size fool you. Located just below the rib cage, they filter around 200 liters of blood daily, removing impurities, regulating blood pressure, maintaining electrolyte balance, and producing hormones crucial for red blood cell production and bone health.

These hardworking organs are essential for our well-being, and when they fail, it can lead to a chain reaction of other health problems.

“Kidney issues, like chronic kidney disease (CKD), which affects one Filipino every hour, can lead to complications in other areas of the body such as the skin and heart,” explains Dr. Eladio Miguel M. Peñaranda Jr., Chief of the Section of Nephrology at Makati Medical Center.

People with kidney problems often experience itchy skin, ranging from mildly irritating to unbearably disruptive, and gout. “This can happen because toxins accumulate in the body,” says Dr. Peñaranda. “The same waste buildup also leads to uric acid accumulating in the blood, causing gout. Excess uric acid forms small crystals in the joints, leading to sudden pain and swelling.”

Kidneys also control the balance of minerals like phosphorus, calcium, and potassium. When kidneys malfunction, high phosphorus levels can lower calcium in the bones, increasing the risk of fractures and Osteoporosis. “Potassium is vital for controlling the heart’s electrical signals,” notes Dr. Peñaranda. “Too much potassium can cause an irregular heartbeat.”

Kidney damage also increases the risk of heart disease, the leading cause of death among Filipinos. “Kidney disease strains the heart, which has to work harder to supply blood to the kidneys,” adds Dr. Peñaranda.

Given their significant impact on overall health, it’s crucial to keep the kidneys healthy. MakatiMed emphasizes the importance of a proactive approach to health, as kidney disease often goes unnoticed until it’s advanced and treatment focuses only on symptom relief and slowing progression.

To maintain kidney health, Dr. Peñaranda recommends eating more fruits and vegetables, staying hydrated, exercising regularly, limiting cholesterol and salt intake, reducing alcohol consumption, quitting smoking, and controlling blood sugar and blood pressure. If you suspect kidney problems, see a doctor immediately for blood and urine tests. These steps can help preserve kidney function and prevent a host of health issues that can affect your quality of life.

Ivie Yiyue

Ivie Yiyue, a Filipina residing in Davao City, is a passionate writer with a knack for weaving together the worlds of health and entertainment. Her curious mind dives deep into the latest health trends and research, translating complex information into engaging content. When she's not exploring the world of wellness, Ivie immerses herself in the vibrant world of entertainment, keeping her finger on the pulse of showbiz and sharing captivating stories.

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