How to Comfort Your Dog During a Storm? 3 Steps Keeping Your Pup Calm

Estimated read time 3 min read

Storms can be a frightening experience for our furry friends. Loud thunder claps and flashes of lightning can send even the bravest pup cowering for cover. But fear not, pet parents! There are steps you can take on how to comfort your dog during a storm and make the experience less stressful for both of you.

3 Steps on How to Comfort Your Dog During a Storm

Creating a Safe Haven

  1. Find the familiar

    Many dogs instinctively seek shelter during storms. Identify a quiet, interior room in your house, like a bathroom or laundry room, that can become their safe space. Make sure it’s a place they already feel comfortable in, and equip it with familiar items like their favorite bed, crate (with the door open), and toys.

  2. Block out the noise

    If possible, close windows and curtains to muffle the sound of thunder. You can also try using white noise from a fan, radio, or TV to further mask the storm’s soundscape. There’s even calming music designed specifically for dogs [search “dog calming music”].

Staying Calm and Collected

  1. Act natural

    While it’s natural to want to coddle your scared pup, avoid showering them with excessive attention or petting. This might unintentionally reinforce their anxious behavior. Instead, project a calm and collected demeanor. Speak in a soothing voice and try to go about your normal routine as much as possible.

  2. Distraction is key

    During calmer moments in the storm, distract your dog with activities they enjoy. Play a short game of fetch indoors, offer a delicious chew toy, or engage in some relaxing brushing. This can help take their mind off the storm and refocus their energy.

Additional Calming Technique

  1. Thundershirts

    These specially designed shirts apply gentle, constant pressure similar to swaddling a baby. The pressure can have a calming effect on some dogs.

  2. Desensitization training

    If your dog’s storm anxiety is severe, consider consulting a veterinarian or animal behaviorist about desensitization training. This gradual process involves exposing your dog to storm sounds at a low volume while rewarding calm behavior. Over time, they can learn to associate the sounds with positive experiences.

  3. Calming aids

    In some cases, your veterinarian might recommend calming aids like pheromone diffusers or supplements to help manage your dog’s anxiety during storms.

Remember: Every dog is different, so what works for one pup might not work for another. Be patient, experiment with different techniques, and find what helps your furry friend weather the storm calmly. Davao's Digital Pulse. Expressing global, local, and entertainment news with lightning speed. Tech updates, tutorials, and lifestyle content - all in one place.

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